So I endured yet another hellish bus ride today courtesy of the MTA. I've realized it's a mistake to take the bus at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and if I could avoid it, trust me I would. You would think the buses in the afternoon would run faster and be emptier since most people are at work. But what a drag it is that school gets out so early. See I can deal with a crowded bus (well sort of; I still curse every minute of it) but there's something about a crowded bus full of teenagers that makes me wish I didn't have to leave my house at all. Before I go on let me just state that I really don't have anything against all teenagers. After all, I was one a few years ago. Though, I do believe that I was quieter and more well behaved when I was out in public. Which brings me to the reason why some of these kids make me dread ever having to raise one. Why are they so damn loud on the bus??? They're young so they shouldn't be going deaf yet but for some reason the ones I'm stuck with on crowded buses feel the need to scream to their friends who are just mere inches away. Of course I always make sure to have my Ipod on but why should I have to set the volume to a deafening level just to block out their mindless talk? Maybe they feel everyone would love to hear their interesting conversations about who hooked up with whom, which teacher sucks the most, or whatever perverted thoughts decide to run through their heads. Oh yeah and did I mention how vulgar these kids get? Okay I know that when I was in high school my conversations weren't always G-rated. It's unrealistic to think that teenagers don't talk about things that adults wish they didn't talk about. But some of them just don't seem to have any shame. In fact they probably think it's cool. (It's funny how you see things differently once you're older) But forget the shame factor. At the very least they should have some sense of courtesy and should know how to conduct themselves in public. That means no yelling across the bus, not blocking people's paths and not shoving each other for fun. There have been plenty of times when some boys felt like roughhousing it in the bus or at the bus stop. And as someone who's only 5 feet tall I can say it's not fun to have teenage giants fall into you. Seriously, do parents teach their children anything anymore? Oh and something has to be done about those monstrous backpacks. When the bus is crowded to the max it would really helpful if those huge backpacks weren't pushing into people. Just take it off and hold it.
So all this venting is coming from years of enduring bus rides in these conditions and even worse sometimes. Today I was lucky enough to get a seat, albeit in the back stuck with a group of high school girls who of course had to scream to one another because a few inches is just too much distance between them. Oh and did I mention that in 85 degree weather there didn't seem to be any air conditioning on the bus?
Soon one day I will have my own car and to hell with these bus rides!
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